From Muhammad Ali : Nelson Mandela Died

I am deeply saddened by the passing of Mr. Mandela. His was a life filled with purpose and hope; hope for himself, his country and the world. He inspired others to reach for what appeared to be impossible and moved them to break through the barriers that held them hostage mentally, physically, socially and economically. He made us realize, we are our brother's keeper and that our brothers come in all colors.

What I will remember most about Mr. Mandela is that he was a man whose heart, soul and spirit could not be contained or restrained by racial and economic injustices, metal bars or the burden of hate and revenge. He taught us forgiveness on a grand scale. His was a spirit born free, destined to soar above the rainbows. Today his spirit is soaring through the heavens.

He is now forever free.

---Muhammad Ali

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Google Adsense Approval Trick 2013

Welcome to Bloombuzz again. Now a days Google Adsense is the best source of revenue. But it is difficult to make approved adsense account just because of Google adsense policy. It is very strick and very hard to get approved. Today we will explain you a trick to get adsense account very easily. And If you will work properly then you can earn lots of money. This Trick will help you. It is 100% working Trick. So here is some few steps of Trick to get Approved Adsense account.

Step 1  -  first of all you should have a gmail account if you haven't account then you can make a new gmail account it is good if you will make new account for this process.

Step 2  - Open your Youtube account.

Step 3 - Go to video manager and create a new channel.

Step 4 - upload 1 or 2 video for your channel and video should have original not copyright/duplicate.    
Step 5 - Open Channel settings then go to advance and fill up county - United States and save it.

Step 6 - Go to "Monetisation" then enable your account

Step 7 - After enable your Monitisation then Open "View Monetisation Settings"      

Step 8 - Click on "How will i be paid" then "Associate an Adsense acount" then next to "Yes Proceed to Google account sign in"

Step 9 - Submit your Google Adsense Application

After Submit application you will get an email from Google Adsense within 2 hours. and you will get your own Google Adsense account.
 After read my article I will be happy If you will get your Approved Adsense account from this trick. Please If this article helps you to get Approved adsense account. And If you haven't get your Approved adsense account yet then drop your comment below I will be happy to help you.
Thank you

Parents' Time and Moral Support To The Children

Welcome back to Bloombuzz, today we are discussing about the Parents' time , Guidance and moral Support to his Children. 

Intoduction : 

Recently a survey was published in a national daily to analyse the parent-child relation only 10 per cent children are getting the company of their parents whenever they need them.

Secure Home Atmosphere : 

Parents buy expensive gifts for their children rather than devoting time. Parents are busy in earning or in their own social lives. Pouring money, expensive things on children cannot provid a secure and proper atmosphere to children. Children develop complex personality especially adolescent and fellow the wrong path. For example, recent MMS case in one of the top schools of Delhi has disclosed the fact that our youngsters lack proper moral training at home.

"The Power Of Common Man"

Today we are talking about the strength of Common Man. 'Every single drop makes the ocean' and every man makes the nation'. The spirit of service and sacrifice gives life, strength and unity to a nation.

Powers of Common Man :

When there was deluge in Mumbai on July 24, 2006, the local administration was indifferent and inefficient. But the people of Mumbai drag the city out of the most horrible crisis. The indomitable spirit of the common man was at its best. People sacrificed their own comforts and personal gains to help others. Everyone made effort for the well being of his fellow being who were caught in the torrential rain. Without carring for the odds, man joined hands to make the chain of aid to bring out others from crisis.
